Which is the most beneficial planet in the 6th house?

The sixth house in astrology is as special as other houses in the birth chart. Often seen as a negative bhava, the 6th house is called a bad house, trik bhava, or duhsthana in Vedic Astrology. But nothing can be termed as completely bad or good in Astrology, and everything has both positive and negative sides to be explained.
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Twelve Houses in Birth Chart and Human Body Parts

If you ever visited an astrologer, you must have been told about the twelve houses present in a birth chart. Every action of our lives is represented by houses. The more we dig in, the more we develop an interest in knowing our future. You must be familiar with the planets and zodiac signs by now.
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Importance of Eighth House in Astrology | Role of 8th House

In Vedic Astrology, the eighth house is called a randhra bhava which literally means a hole and flaw. In some sense, it is also related to the female reproductive part called yoni. Just like yoni, the 8th house is hidden power, a life-giving force, deep and related to the divine because God has permitted life to come into existence through this part of the body. This is also called an “ayu bhava” i.e. the house of longevity.
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