What is the effect and remedy if Saturn is in seventh house?

According to astrology, planets profoundly affect a person’s life. In contrast, a person can succeed in every area of his life under the auspicious effects of the planets. Due to the inauspicious position of the planets in the horoscope, the person may face many physical, mental, and financial problems.
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Does debilitated Saturn in Sagittarius Ascendant give only inauspicious effects?

Sagittarius Ascendant is considered to be an auspicious Ascendant to be born as Jupiter is the lord of this sign, the most auspicious of all the nine planets. The people of Sagittarius ascendant have sattvik nature and religious ideology. Sagittarius is dominant in fire element and is dual in nature. People of Sagittarius ascendant are tall and very energetic. They are full of enthusiasm and energy and are benevolent in nature.
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What are facts about Saturn?

According to astrology, Saturn is a cruel, vengeful, sinful, separatist planet. It is indifferent and is a symbol of detachment. It is a cold planet with a harsh nature. It is of Vata nature. It is an introverted and reclusive planet. It is a yogi and ascetic planet. Saturn is the lord of the west direction.
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Effects of Saturn in the eighth house of Aries

In Vedic astrology, the eighth house of the horoscope is not auspicious. This house counts in all three houses (6, 8, 12). It is also famous as Dusthana house. This house is also a part of Moksha trikona (4, 8, 12 houses). This house shows complex diseases, accidents, sudden gain or loss, a fortune for females, dowry, ancestral property, will, research, interest in esoteric and spiritual subjects, etc.
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Does retrograde Saturn give good results in Sade sati?

According to astrology, Saturn is the slowest moving planet. It stays in one sign for about two and a half years. In Vedic astrology, Saturn is called the lord of justice. Saturn has got the title of magistrate among all the nine planets. Of all the planets, only Saturn is the one who has the right to punish, and it is said that this title has been given to him by Lord Shiva himself. Saturn punishes a person according to his deeds.
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Is Saturn a malefic planet?

There are nine planets in Vedic astrology, and all the planets have their special characteristics. Scholars have divided the nine planets into two categories. Some of these planets are considered auspicious, and some planets give inauspicious results. Among all the nine planets, Saturn is the only planet with special significance from the worldly and religious point of view. Saturn is the judge and the giver of karma.
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Know Astrological Facts about Saturn planet

In Vedic astrology, Saturn comes in the category of the cruel planet. Saturn's cruelty in his eyes is due to his wife's curse. Saturn is considered the karaka planet of balance, justice, and harmony. People who indulge in unfair acts. Those who do injustice to others try to give recognition to what is not in the interest of society.
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Shani Vakri 2023 - शनि वक्री होने पर क्या होता है?

सूर्य सिद्धांत के अनुसार शनि का सूर्य से कोणीय अंतर जब 115 से 245 डिग्री का होता है तो शनि वक्री हो जाता है। यदि कुंडली में शनि जब सूर्य से 3, 7 या 8 वें घर में हो तो वह वक्री अवस्था में ही होता है। कभी -कभी 5वें और 9वें घर में स्थित होने पर भी यह वक्री अवस्था में ही होता है। वक्री ग्रह पृथ्वी के अधिक समीप होता है और अपने अधिक प्रभाव देता है। वक्री ग्रह के चेष्टा बल बढ़ जाने पर वह अपने शुभ व अशुभ फल तीव्रता से देता है। 
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Is it true that Saturn can restrict the benefic features of other planets?

Due to the position of Saturn in the horoscope, the person’s spoiled tasks start getting rectified in no time, and he gets success in every field. Saturn is a skilled teacher, and it is a planet of learning in life. Saturn may carve a person beautifully like a skilled teacher. Saturn is the karaka of astrology’s sixth, eighth and twelfth house.
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Astrological mysteries of Saturn | Why Saturn is important in Astrology

Saturn brings permanent changes in a person’s life. All thanks to its 2.5 years stay in a zodiac sign, the longest of the transit spans of all other planets in the sky. This is the reason it’s called shanaishchara, the one who transcends really slowly. Saturn is a slow moving planet and takes around 2.5 years to pass through a house and sign of your birth chart.
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Shani Gochar - शनिदेव के पाया बदलने से इन राशियों की बढ़ी मुश्किलें

साल 2024 में शनि देव कुंभ राशि में 11 फरवरी 2024 में अस्‍त होंगे और 18 मार्च 2024 को कुंभ राशि में उदित होंगे। फिर 29 जून 2024 से कुंभ में ही वक्री रहेने वाले हैं।
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