What Happens when Venus comes in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra?

As Vedic astrology revolves around the positions of planets and Nakshatras in our Kundali, the movement of planets brings some certain effects in life. Today, we will talk about what happens when Venus comes to Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra. If it brings negative or positive, we will highlight everything about the effects of Venus in Uttara Bhadrapada.
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Does Astrology Apps Play An Important Role In Being Successful?

Today, we all are leading a very fast life where nobody has enough time to invest in every small aspect of life. That’s the reason, most of us have grown our dependency on virtual lifestyle. From buying groceries to making event preparations, everything is going online. Like everything else, astrology has also found its place in the online world. The user-centric Vinay Bajrangi Karma astro app is now accessible to all android and iOS users and provides the similar accuracy and power-packed astrological solutions as earlier.
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Why is astrology important today? - Dr. Vinay Bajrangi

Today’s world is uncertain because of several reasons. Some of the most significant factors include rapid technological advancement, globalization, climate change, political instability, health crisis, etc. These factors contribute to uncertainty about the future, making predicting what may happen next challenging. However, Astrology can help to beat uncertainty with age-old wisdom. 
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कब है मोहिनी एकादशी? जानें पूजा विधि और शुभ मुहूर्त

हिंदू पंचांग और पारम्परिक परम्पराओं के अनुसार साल के हर माह में दो बार एकादशी आती है। वैशाख मास की शुक्ल पक्ष में पड़ने वाली एकादशी को मोहिनी एकादशी कहा जाता है। मोहिनी एकादशी के दिन भगवान विष्णु ने मोहिनी स्वरूप धारण किया था। आइयें विस्तार से जानते हैं, मोहिनी एकादशी व्रत के बारे में-  
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Does retrograde Saturn give good results in Sade sati?

According to astrology, Saturn is the slowest moving planet. It stays in one sign for about two and a half years. In Vedic astrology, Saturn is called the lord of justice. Saturn has got the title of magistrate among all the nine planets. Of all the planets, only Saturn is the one who has the right to punish, and it is said that this title has been given to him by Lord Shiva himself. Saturn punishes a person according to his deeds.
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What are facts about Saturn?

According to astrology, Saturn is a cruel, vengeful, sinful, separatist planet. It is indifferent and is a symbol of detachment. It is a cold planet with a harsh nature. It is of Vata nature. It is an introverted and reclusive planet. It is a yogi and ascetic planet. Saturn is the lord of the west direction.
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Career Selection For Females Using Astrology

In todays’ time, women have not only entered in almost all careers but at some places, they have even outshined men. The supreme power has created all of us in the same mold and given human mind that knows no limitations, and hence we all have unlimited capabilities. 
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Significance of Jupiter in Different Houses

When we talk about the most evident or pratyaksha God in the horoscope, we are talking about the planet Jupiter and their role of Jupiter in our life, which we are going to read in this write-up. Jupiter is called the Jeeva or soul of a person in Astrology.
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What is the effect and remedy if Saturn is in seventh house?

According to astrology, planets profoundly affect a person’s life. In contrast, a person can succeed in every area of his life under the auspicious effects of the planets. Due to the inauspicious position of the planets in the horoscope, the person may face many physical, mental, and financial problems.
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What happens if the Sun is in The Eleventh House?

It is the earnest desire of every human being to own a wishbone or a magic wand that would bring all their dreams to reality. Unfortunately, only a few of us can experience wish-fulfillment in several sectors of our lives. Practically speaking, the sincere and proper efforts put in the right time and direction can help us reach the objective almost all the time.
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