Why there is so much delay in my Marriage?

If you want to know the reason behind the delay in your marriage, it is always better to take the help of a horoscope. It has all the planetary combinations from your time of birth, and it is possible to know the exact reason or reasons for the delay in marriage, but only for an able astrologer. Reading the Lagna chart and the other divisional charts thoroughly, one can find a reason for a long delay in marriage. So, astrology can help you big time.
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What are the Reasons for Delay in Marriage by Birth Chart?

The delay or any other kind of problem in marriage can be seen from the birth chart. While explaining the reasons for delay in marriage by birth chart, the seventh house and its Lord attains the main focus. A weak and afflicted seventh lord and house may indicate problems in marriage. It may be delay or others depending upon the significations of the planets associated with them.
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